5 of My Favourite Moments from Shooting the First Season of Crafting a Career in the Arts
1) Shooting with my husband! This project was a lot of work, but it made everything way better to work on every shoot with Tanner. We had a great time interviewing each participant and scouting out the locations for each scene.
2) Meeting other artistic people. Doing season one of this series, Crafting a Career in the Arts, provided an amazing opportunity to meet in an intimate setting with a variety of other local artists to hear their stories and their advice.
3) Capturing the stories of other artists. It was an honour to capture the stories of the artists we worked with. Both Tanner and I found it inspiring to hear their advice and to listen to their stories, so far, unfold.
4) Realizing how much support is available to artists from our community. Often it can feel like there is no one else you can think of to contact or that the assistance available is simply all used up, but this just isn’t true! There are so many people in our community who are ready to jump in and provide help or advice. Most of them are just a phone call away!
5) Shooting Edmontons beautiful natural scenes. Edmonton has so many beautiful areas it was kind of hard to pick where we wanted to shoot! It was also pretty to “over” shoot or get distracted by going for a walk while we were out as well. I always feel so lucky that I have the opportunity to film here!